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Mind & Co-op - Mental Health Campaign

Working as a freelance creative team with McCann Enterprise, we were tasked with promoting Mind’s 2024 Time To Talk Day in partnership with The Co-op.

The brief:

Encourage and normalise everyday conversations about mental health.

The Creative:

‘… sometimes means ...’

As a nation, we’re not the best at talking about how we really feel. When asked, we’re often happier hiding how we are really doing behind simple, everyday phrases, allowing us to move the conversation along to other less important things, rather than having a deeper, more meaningful one.

The Campaign:

Our campaign took these everyday phrases, such as ‘Not toooo bad’ and ‘Yeah, getting by!’ and empowered them to be the catalyst to start deeper conversations.

We high-lighted that they can be covering up important issues and challenges people are dealing with, such as the cost of living crisis, loneliness, or burn out and depression. We then let people know that TTTD is the perfect opportunity to start conversations about our mental health!

The Output:

Due to a complex client dynamic, the vision for hand-crafted and illustrated phrases didn’t happen, but the work ran across print, OOH, digital, social, and murals.
